ITTN-030: Tucson test stand Upgrade

  • Cristian Silva

Latest Revision: 2022-03-21


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Plan of the upgrade of the Tucson test stand

1   Storage Needs

Storage for the TTS is spread across the Kubernetes (pillan) cluster and the bare metal machines supporting application deployment. The sections below will break down the needs for each component.

1.1   Kubernetes

The Kubernetes storage provides three categories: block, CephFS/NFS and LFA (S3) storage. Block storage handles the needs of the Kubernetes nodes for image storage. CephFS/NFS storage handles Nublado storage, pods requesting persistent volumes and CSC pre-cache information. LFA storage handles CSC and ancillary data not designed to fit within the Engineering Facilities Database (EFD).

For the block storage, the need is largely driven by Docker image storage on the nodes. The images are combined from SQuaRE services and T&S and DM CSCs and services. A storage size of 30 TB should handle the needs of the image storage.

For the CephFS/NFS storage, the need is driven by CSC pre-cache information, which has grown over since the TTS was first envisioned. Nublado usage of this storage based on current summit numbers amounts to about 5 TBs. Factoring in the current expansion of CSC pre-cache information and possible expansion of Nublado use, a storage size of 30 TB should fit the needs of this category.

For the LFA storage, the need is driven by having a 30 day store for ComCam. This requires approximately 20 TBs for about 5000 images per day. A comparable 30 day store for AuxTel is approximately 2 TBs. Factoring in the unknown expansion use by other systems running on TTS and adding overhead, the LFA should contain 50 TBs of storage. Removal of older files should be enforced if there is pressure on the storage as the data is considered expendable.

1.2   Bare Metal Machines

The following machines have a 2 TB NVMe drive and a 1 TB SSD drive.

  • love1
  • tel-hw1
  • auxtel-mcm
  • auxtel-fp01
  • auxtel-archiver
  • comcam-mcm
  • daq-mgt

The following machines have a 2 TB NVMe drive and a 500 GB SSD drive.

  • comcam-fp01
  • comcam-dc01
  • comcam-archiver
  • forwarders

The comcam-archiver machine has an additional 16 TBs of SSDs under a RAID controller. The daq-mgt machine has an additional 2 TB NVMe drive.

The storage needs for the bare metal machines are governed by the applications that run on those systems. The system principles responsible for the machines have determined that the currently available storage is sufficient for their needs.